Things I remember:
-the 8th graders all saw
Bye Bye Birdie on TBS the night before (as did I) and they walked by our classroom window singing "We Love You Conrad."
-Renate D. allegely stole Jeannine H.'s colored pencils, and Jeannine told Renate that she was taking her to People's Court.
-Mrs. Baisley put a Hershey bar on your desk before you got to school in the morning if it was your birthday. She also gave Hershey bars as prizes for classroom contests, which I often won. For instance, I won the contest to see who could write down the most pairs of homonyms in 20 minutes.
-My Dad had his first heart attack while we were in Maryland for my Aunt Rita & Uncle Jerry's wedding. That was scary, but I got to go to school with my cousin Nancie. Being the little know-it-all that I was, I kept raising my hand to answer questions in Nancie's class. Her teacher kept saying, "You all are in 4th grade and Heather came all the way from 3rd grade in SOUTH CAROLINA and she can do your work better than you can." And I kept having to chime in and say, "NORTH Carolina."
-News trickled up from the little school that there was a strange little boy in Kindergarten who was obsessed with rock music, especially The Beatles, and he had brought his guitar for show-and-tell. Any ideas who that was?