Feb. 9 already? Where has the time gone? I am exhausted. I need to scan some photos and things this weekend so that I have more interesting things to post here.
1st grade, 1979.
The sins of Sister Carmen, RSM:
1. Locked me in the supply closet for forgetting my field trip permission slip and crying about it, and then forgot about me until lunchtime when I banged on the door. That was like, three hours alone in a cold closet. I didn't tell my mother until 8th grade or something.
2. Wouldn't let kids go to the water fountain if they lost a tooth in class. Said that we shouldn't be wiggling our loose teeth at school. Forced to bleed onto a kleenex until lunch.
3. On the last day of school, gave out certificates that said things like, "Great at Math," or "Keeps a neat desk." (I didn't get either of those, rest assured, but mine was something about being quiet and good.) Gave Eddie Fordham a certificate that said, "Worst Kid in the Class."

The sins of Sister Carmen, RSM:
1. Locked me in the supply closet for forgetting my field trip permission slip and crying about it, and then forgot about me until lunchtime when I banged on the door. That was like, three hours alone in a cold closet. I didn't tell my mother until 8th grade or something.
2. Wouldn't let kids go to the water fountain if they lost a tooth in class. Said that we shouldn't be wiggling our loose teeth at school. Forced to bleed onto a kleenex until lunch.
3. On the last day of school, gave out certificates that said things like, "Great at Math," or "Keeps a neat desk." (I didn't get either of those, rest assured, but mine was something about being quiet and good.) Gave Eddie Fordham a certificate that said, "Worst Kid in the Class."
At 4:25 PM,
Rachel said…
oh my god! and the parents are complaining about me assigning homework on game night!
At 7:16 PM,
bingsy said…
I complained about getting spanked on my first day of Catholic preschool the other day. I have nothing on Eddie Fordham. That's the most horrible thing I have ever heard. It reminds me of Matt Groening's School Is Hell, especially the 4th grade diary (or was it 5th grade).
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds as if Sr Carmen needed a big time out -- from teaching. Which of course is probably exactly what she wanted.
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
You forgot to mention the permanent notch worn in Paul Cameron's ear (or was that Brian Zimmerman?)from her twisting it every day as punishment - that was usually the warm up to the closet punishment. That closet was legendary. I don't think you could graduate from 1st grade unless you had been locked in there at least half a day. Remember all the tales about the older brothers who were left there until the next morning?
At 1:34 AM,
jjfantastic said…
I went to St. Gabriel's too, but didn't start until 4th grade, so I never had the "joy" of having Sister Carmen. My little sister, on the other hand, was locked in the closet on several occasions, and also had her glasses taken away as punishment for random infractions.
(btw I was friends with Natalie Cozon back then...wonder if we were at their house at the same time ever...)
At 7:27 AM,
Heather said…
jj, who are you? I remember almost everyone. Did you go by jj? I remember a girl named jj whose last name began with h who was 2 or 3 grades older than me.
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