Feb. 9 already? Where has the time gone? I am exhausted. I need to scan some photos and things this weekend so that I have more interesting things to post here.
1st grade, 1979.
The sins of Sister Carmen, RSM:
1. Locked me in the supply closet for forgetting my field trip permission slip and crying about it, and then forgot about me until lunchtime when I banged on the door. That was like, three hours alone in a cold closet. I didn't tell my mother until 8th grade or something.
2. Wouldn't let kids go to the water fountain if they lost a tooth in class. Said that we shouldn't be wiggling our loose teeth at school. Forced to bleed onto a kleenex until lunch.
3. On the last day of school, gave out certificates that said things like, "Great at Math," or "Keeps a neat desk." (I didn't get either of those, rest assured, but mine was something about being quiet and good.) Gave Eddie Fordham a certificate that said, "Worst Kid in the Class."

The sins of Sister Carmen, RSM:
1. Locked me in the supply closet for forgetting my field trip permission slip and crying about it, and then forgot about me until lunchtime when I banged on the door. That was like, three hours alone in a cold closet. I didn't tell my mother until 8th grade or something.
2. Wouldn't let kids go to the water fountain if they lost a tooth in class. Said that we shouldn't be wiggling our loose teeth at school. Forced to bleed onto a kleenex until lunch.
3. On the last day of school, gave out certificates that said things like, "Great at Math," or "Keeps a neat desk." (I didn't get either of those, rest assured, but mine was something about being quiet and good.) Gave Eddie Fordham a certificate that said, "Worst Kid in the Class."